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SAM-e Kickstart™

SAM-e Kickstart RX is a synergistic formula to enhance SAM-e production in a healthy body. S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e) is a naturally occurring derivative of the amino acid, methionine, that is formed in the body when methionine combines with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - the major source of cellular energy.

Methionine, Choline, Inositol, and Betaine are 'lipotropics,' which means their prime function is to prevent excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. Lipotropics also increase the liver's production of lecithin - which keeps cholesterol more soluble, detoxifies the liver, and increases resistance to disease by helping the thymus gland carry out its functions.

Vitamins B-6, B-12, and Folic Acid are very important to the methylation process of SAM-e, and in the reduction of homocysteine levels in the body. Homocysteine is a dangerous amino acid which has been associated with cardiovascular disease. Coenzyme Q 10 is the direct precursor to 'ATP' in the body, which must be present for the body to make its own SAM-e.

Curcumin is a powerful herb that can have bile stimulating, liver protectant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity.

Alfalfa is rich in calcium and Vitamin K, and contains significant amounts of most vitamins and minerals.

To Order Call 1-888-315-4021

  Price:   $10.00   - 60 count  

Buy 5 and Get 1 FREE or
Buy 9 and get 3 Free

1 Nutralife SAM-E + 1 SAM-e Kickstart $29.00

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sam-e,SAME,SAM-E,  anti-deppressant, depression, anti- depressant, mood, cartilage, joint health,  mobility, joint comfort, mood, emotional well-being

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