Compare our formula with Microhydrin®!
We are providing a great product with far more active ingredients for less money! Save up to 400% or more!
7.5 mg Silica, 22mg Potassium Carbonate, 1.5mg Magnesium Sulfate, Plus: 1.5mg Thiamine, 1.7mg Riboflavin, 20mg Niacinamide, 10mg Pantethine, 10mg Alpha-Lopoic Acid, 20mg Beta-1,3-D-Glucan
Nanohydrate is a special form of a time-release silica hydride powder. Each molecule has an
extra electron. When consumed, Nanohydrate releases much needed electrons into your
body, improving the condition of all three characteristics which make up your Biological
Terrain. Nanohydrate tends to increase pH - alkalinize body fluids. Nanohydrate is the most
powerful antioxidant available. Nanohydrate increases electrical conductivity.
This silica hydride formula is much lower priced than the competition (Microhydrin™). This powerful antioxidant can help increase the body's PH and its fluid conductivity. Antioxidants enhance the body's ability to fight free radical damage. Nanohydrate also provides negatively charged hydrogen ions, for extra energy. Cells require an adequate supply of negatively charged ions to function effectively. Nanohydrate is a great addition to your daily nutritional regimen.
To add Nanohydrate to your daily nutritional regime, you may comfortably consume 1-2 twice per day, or 3-4 two to three times per day as desired, or as recommended by a healthcare professional with at least 4-8 glasses of water daily.
7.5 mg Silica, 22mg Potassium Carbonate, 1.5mg Magnesium Sulfate, Plus: 1.5mg Thiamine, 1.7mg Riboflavin, 20mg Niacinamide, 10mg Pantethine, 10mg Alpha-Lopoic Acid, 20mg Beta-1,3-D-Glucan
Price: $12.00 - 90 ct. |
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