Created specifically for women. This unique formula targets the busy and stressful lifestyles of today's women to give them increased energy and endurance. If you are looking to obtain your full potential, Perfect Female Rx is for you.
Perfect Female Rx is the doctor recommended female herbal supplement to increase not only the female sex drive and libido but also supports the mood, normal hormonal balance and sexual health. Perfect Female contains a synergistic blend of the following female specific herbs and amino acids to provide the unique support needed for the female sex libido and overall female sexual health.
Yohimbe is a herb originating from Africa and used worldwide as an aphrodisiac or libido enhancer. For centuries the indigenous people have used this herb as an aphrodisiac tonic for sexual function. Besides being a sexual stimulant, Yohimbe increases energy and mood and also helps to increase fatty acid metabolism. Yohimbe, the extract from the Yohimbe bark, is a prescription item drug in larger concentrations.
Wild Yam contains various natural hormone precursor compounds that have been used effectively as specific support for female metabolism. Researchers believe that wild yam has powerful application for female specific support due to the specialized phytochemicals found in wild yam which are natural hormone precursors. Hormone precursors promote the body's production of prohormones such has DHEA. These prohormones also help regulate female metabolism. The female's natural level of prohormones begins to decrease during the 20's. Research has studied a correlation between this drop in prohormone levels and female sex specific complaints such as premenstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms. Wild Yam is also included in many formulations for natural hormone replacement therapy or natural HRT.
Dong Quai is widely known as a female tonic herb and is used by women for the relief of premenstrual symptoms and menopausal support. Chinese women have used this herb to regulate the menstrual cycle for centuries. Compounds within Dong Quai which provide female support include coumarins and flavonoids. These have the effect to stimulate the central nervous system and act as an energizer.
Ashwaganda is an adaptogen, meaning it helps the female body to deal with stress. Unlike a stimulant ashwaganda energizes by promoting normal rest and regeneration by helping the female body to deal with stress naturally.
Damiana historically has been considered a female sex stimulant by acting as a female aphrodisiac increasing female sex drive. North American Indian shamen and medicine men used Damiana as an aphrodisiac for frigidity in women. Historical uses of Damiana also included women who were suffering from hormone imbalance related conditions such as menopause and hot flashes.
Natures Rx Perfect Female Rx is the comprehensive vitamin, mineral, amino acid and herbal support formula for female sexual support, hormonal support and metabolism support.
Each caplet contains:
Niacin, Calcium, Yohimbe, Dong Quai, Shativan, Ashwaganda, L-Tyrosine, L-Histidine, Peony Extract, Royal Jelly, Wild Yam Extract, Quebracho, Ginger Extract, Sundew, Damiana, Guarana, and DHEA.
You will not find a more complete female specific support formula at this incredible price. Try Perfect Female Rx, we think you will agree.
Price: $8.00 - 60 count |
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