Colostrum Rx

30% IGG (Immunoglobulin G)

First Milking

500 mg per capsule.

$12.00 for a bottle of 120

colostrum rx nature's
 first food

Colostrum is nature's first food provided by the mothers of all mammals, and has been widely shown to possess certain immune enhancing properties.

Colostrum Rx First Milking

First Milking is within 6 hours after birth.

Colostrum RX is a supplement with 100% pure United States Bovine Colostrum. Our colostrum is of superior quality and is collected from Dairy Groups in Wisconsin. We believe the high standards of the U.S. Dept of Agriculture assure us that U.S. colostrum is the most desirable in the world today. By the careful processing of our colostrum we can be assured of the quality and purity of this most vital nutrient. Our product is 30% Standardized Immunoglobulin G content as compared to many being sold today which are 15% or less. Our product is put into convenient, easy to swallow capsules, Not Tablets! We do not tablet this vital nutrient because doing so would require excessive heating which could destroy the important factors associated with this product.

Nature's RX Colostrum RX is “Nature's First Food” 30% IGG (Immunoglobulin G) in a convenient 500 mg per capsule.

Each bottle contains 120 capsules
recommended dosage of 2 capsules 2 times a day on empty stomach with 8 ounces of water

“One of nature's finest nutrients.” Colostrum is Mother Nature's first and possibly the most necessary food. It is likely that colostrum was the very first nourishment you received after being born. Colostrum is an enriched balance of powerful antibodies, proteins, antioxidants, immunoglobulins, growth factors, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and essential vitamins specially designed to ensure the survival of the newborn. This enriched fluid is produced by the mother's mammary glands during the first 24-48 hours after birth. Colostrum's nutritional factors are astounding, and are only possible from nature. Colostrum from dairy cows is not species-specific, and is a great human dietary supplement.

Colostrum has been shown to promote:

Physical and immune system fitness
Increased energy and libido
Improved appearance
Improved general well being (anxiety relief & better sleep)

Several factors exist in colostrum that work to supercharge the functioning of our immune and digestive systems. This natural boost helps the body's own defense mechanisms fight against infections and degenerative diseases. Colostrum helps us combat disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, yeasts and parasites; it also enables us to resist the harmful effects of pollutants, contaminants, and allergens. Plus, the growth factors in colostrum create many of the positive “attributes” of a healthy individual - an enhanced ability to metabolize or “burn” fat, greater ease in building lean muscle mass and promotes recovery from sickness or injury. After the young and fast growing years it takes longer to fight the myriad of illnesses that come upon us. There is a feeling of reduced energy, new aches and pains, and most people show the effects of `getting older'. But there are a few individuals that look ten to twenty years younger than their age. Colostrum has been shown to provide a boost to the immune system and to provide our bodies with other important factors for maintaining a more youthful appearance.

  Price:   $12.00   - 120 count  

To Order Call 1-888-315-4021

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