Collodial Silver 40 ppm 4 fl oz

Colloidal Silver

All Natural Anti-Bacterial Liquid Compound!

Electro processed and chemical free. A new improved form of Colloidal Silver scientifically energized and specially prepared to enhance the bio-availability and tissue activity. Electro processed and chemical free! A pure all natural mineral supplement. A natural anti-infective. Eight times more potent than 5 ppm solutions. Compare to Silver Ice.

Ingredients: 40 ppm pure silver protein in distilled water

Colloidal Silver vs. Pharmaceutical Antibiotics

Interest in Colloidal Silver has increased most recently, probably because illness causing organisms do not seems to build up a resistance to Colloidal Silver the way they do to pharmaceutical antibiotics. Antibiotics are becoming less effective as resistance to them grows.

The Los Angeles Times states "But in the last decade, a broad resistance to antibiotics has begun to emerge. And because bacteria can transfer genes among themselves, experts only expect the resistance to grow. The potential nightmare is an Andromeda strain, which is immune to all antibiotics and could wreak havoc. ("Arsenal of Antibiotics Failing as Resistant Bacteria Develop," October 23, 1994).

An ordinary antibiotic kills perhaps a half dozen different disease organisms, but Colloidal Silver is known to be successful against more than 650 illness-causing micro organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi). Colloidal Silver can be taken indefinitely because the body does not develop a lolerance to it.

How it works....

The presence of Colloidal Silver near a virus, fungi, bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, "its chemical lung", so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver leaves these tissue cell enzymes intact. Thus, Colloidal Silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles and plants, and all living matter.

Ingesting Colloidal Silver....

Taken orally, the silver solution is absorbed from the mouth into the bloodstream, then transported quickly to the body cells. Swishing the solution under the tongue briefly before swallowing ensures fast absorption. In three to four days the silver will have accumulated in the tissues sufficiently for benefits to begin. Since Colloidal Silver is eliminated by the kidneys, lymph systems and bowel after three weeks, a regular daily intake is recommended as a protection against dangerous pathogens.

It is impossible for germs to mutate into silver resistant forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics. Also, Colloidal Silver cannot interact or interfere with other medicine being taken. Colloidal Silver is truly a safe, natural remedy for many of mankind's ills.

Nature's Rx Colloidal Silver is produced by the electrocolloidal / non chemical method where silver particles and water have been colloided, i.e. dispersed within and bound to each other by an electrical current. The 99.9% pure super-fine silver particles are suspended indefinitely in demineralized water.

When You Choose Nature's Rx You Get:

  Price:   $12.00   - 4 oz.  

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The information contained in this article was derived from many medical, nutritional and media publications. It is not intended for medical or nutritional claims but for informational and educational purposes. Please consult a health professional should the need for one be indicated.

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