Nature's Rx, Liquid Colloidal Minerals are made from a blend of natural humic shale by a manufacturing process that ensures an organic based mineral liqiud that both colloidal and chelated.
This product provides the body with a source for rapid utilization in building and restoring a mineral balance in the body. A liquid concentrate or organic humic shale product major and trace minerals in colloidal and chelated form.
Compare to Clark®, Rockland®, New Vision® - Save 50%
Each bottle contains: 70 plus plant derived colloidal minerals. Unflavored/Unsweetened
Price: $10.00 - 32 oz |
Colloidal Minerals Concentrate is not flavored or sweetened.
The information contained in this article was derived from many medical, nutritional and media publications. It is not
intended for medical or nutritional claims but for informational and educational purposes. Please consult a health
professional should the need for one be indicated.